Land Surveying
Residential Land Surveys
Residential Land Surveys
Hoxco re-establishes property boundaries for homeowners. Other services include topographic mapping and FEMA Elevation Certificates.
Land Surveying Services
Land Surveying Services
Property corners
Property lines
Land Descriptions
Topographic mapping
Before hiring a surveyor here are a few things to keep in mind
Before hiring a surveyor here are a few things to keep in mind
Only a licensed Professional Land Surveyor can legally perform boundary surveys on private property. The city or county government does not determine private property lines.
The cost of a boundary survey varies considerably due to terrain, vegetation, prior surveys, the size of the parcel and other factors. Rural parcels are usually more time consuming than suburban lots.
In order to get an accurate estimate it is necessary to furnish some information and allow time for the surveyor to research the parcel.
Call (360) 224-3806
Call (360) 224-3806